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IDLES - A HYMN (Official Video)

'A HYMN' from the new album 'ULTRA MONO' released on 25 September 2020 on Partisan Records. LISTEN/PURCHASE: https://idles.lnk.to/UltraMono 2021 & 2022 TOUR TICKETS - http://idles.lnk.to/tickets SUBSCRIBE - https://www.youtube.com/idlesband Directed and Edited by Ryan Gander Official Website - https://IDLES.lnk.to/web Mailing List - https://IDLES.lnk.to/news Twitter - https://IDLES.lnk.to/TW Facebook - https://IDLES.lnk.to/FB Instagram - https://IDLES.lnk.to/IG I want to be loved Everybody does I find shame in the crack-like corpse un-cadaver reign I want to be loved Everybody does I find shame gripped tight like your withering fame We made it Shame. Hot Zumba classes at the new church I lost ten pounds for the wedding I played happy til my teeth hurt Sofa surfer extraordinaire Lambert’s ash in my falling hair, yeh. I want to be loved Everybody does I find shame cuts rips real nice as we change lanes We made it I want to be loved Everybody does We made it We made it Shame. Teletext has a place in my heart Ten percent discount, I’ll show you how Gregory’s birthday in a placid town, wow Janine held the flag with white knuckles I’m burning the Astra til the wheels buckle, yeh. I want to be loved Everybody does Shame Shame. The official music video for A HYMN by IDLES. #IDLES #AHYMN #ULTRAMONO

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